среда, 29 февраля 2012 г.

NSW: NSW coalition on its way to winning 16 seats: leader

AAP General News (Australia)
NSW: NSW coalition on its way to winning 16 seats: leader

SYDNEY, April 3 AAP - The NSW coalition is making good progress toward winning the
16 seats it needs to govern outright after the next election, Opposition Leader Peter
Debnam says.

Mr Debnam said while it was not impossible to secure the 16 seats, the coalition could
work with any of the state's seven independents to form a government after the election
next March.

"In 1988 (former premier) Nick Greiner actually won 17 seats, albeit in a slightly
larger parliament," Mr Debnam told ABC Radio today.

"That was a change of government scenario when the community said, `We've had the Labor
Party in office for 12 years'.

"That will be the same next year.

"In 1988 they said, `No, we want a change'.

"They threw them out and Nick Greiner won 17 seats.

"We need to win 16 seats to win outright and it is a big change but I think we are
making good progress."

Mr Debnam said he was not expecting any political backlash at the poll over the resignation
of former opposition leader John Brogden.

A talkback caller told Mr Debnam some Liberal voters were not going to vote for the
party because they were bitter about the political demise of Mr Brogden.

The Liberals suffered a massive swing against them in a by-election in Mr Brogden's
Sydney seat of Pittwater last year, losing the former blue ribbon seat to an independent.

It was claimed the coalition undermined Mr Brogden by leaking details of inappropriate
comments he made about then premier Bob Carr's wife.

Mr Brogden attempted suicide after stepping down from the leadership and later resigned
from the parliament to seek treatment for depression.

"John decided to actually resign from parliament. He decided to resign the leadership,"

Mr Debnam said.

"It was unfortunate in both instances.

"But the one thing we've done in the past year is make the point that John and (his
wife) Lucy want their privacy.

"It's not an issue I discuss publicly."

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