среда, 14 марта 2012 г.


As I am writing this editorial, CSM is only a few weeks away and I find that I am looking forward to the meeting. One of the reasons for the anticipation is because of the research presentations. While putting this issue together, I have had the opportunity for a preview of the upcoming platform and poster presentations. What impresses me is the scope of research topics that will be presented. I think that says a lot about our Section-we are growing in our contribution to evidence-based practice and also highlights the diversity within the Section in regards to practice areas and research interests. I sit here at my computer thinking that CSM will be a wonderful forum for exchanging ideas! I certainly hope to see some of those presentations in manuscript form as submissions to the Journal.

The other reason I am looking forward to CSM is to see all of the people I have been in contact with over the year either via email, phone, or fax. I have been very fortunate to be in contact with therapists from all over the country the past year and I look forward to meeting them in person. I am proud to say that we have some wonderful people in the Section! The opportunity to meet so many people is one of the perks of being Editor. So, I would encourage anyone who thinks that they are remotely interested in becoming more involved in the Section to do so; there is a place for anyone and the rewards are immense.

[Author Affiliation]

Jane Eason, PT, PhD


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