понедельник, 12 марта 2012 г.

Market returns after a century's break

The first Produce Market in Wedmore for more than a century hasbeen hailed as a resounding success.

More than 700 people flocked through the gates of the BoroughHouse to sample the wares of local food growers and producers.

They could buy Cheddar Valley reared meat, baked cakes and bread,honey, jams, chutneys, fudge, fruits and vegetables - all grown ormade locally.

Residents also took the opportunity to sell the surplus producefrom their gardens and allotments.

The Produce Market was organised by Wedmore Green Group and theyhope it will encourage people to source their food within a smallerarea and reduce their carbon footprint through lower food miles.

The group hope it will become a regular event, held at the GeorgeHotel in the village.

Tessa Podpadec

Community correspondent

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