пятница, 2 марта 2012 г.

Fed: Latham vows to stand firm on FTA laws amendment=2

AAP General News (Australia)
Fed: Latham vows to stand firm on FTA laws amendment=2

"Labor will be standing by our amendments concerning the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme
(PBS) and trade agreement with the United States," he said.

"We have examined the issues raised by the government and we don't see any reason whatsoever
to change out amendments. We will be proceeding with those in the Senate today.

"We are very, very determined to ensure that the Australian people have access to the
cheaper, the more affordable generic products as they come onto the market."

Mr Latham said the government agreed last night to Labor's proposal to protect local
content rules and should today agree to the proposal to protect the PBS.

He said the Labor amendments were consistent with the text of the FTA and the government
should support them.

"We want the government to adopt them in the Senate this morning," he said.

Mr Latham said the government had raised some concerns about the penalties.

He said the opposition wanted the penalties to be strong against drug companies which
tried to delay the entry of cheap medicines.

"We want a pharmaceutical company that is going to try and delay the access to affordable
medicine to know that if they are busted for that they are going to face severe penalties,"

he said.

"We want a very effective deterrent in place.

"The government's concerns are not ones that we regard as valid."

Mr Latham said this was for the benefit of the Australian people and Labor saw no reason
at all to alter its proposals.

"So, we are proceeding with them, standing by them 100 per cent. We are insisting on
our amendments. We are fighting for them all the way down the line."

AAP mb/cdh/jlw


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