четверг, 1 марта 2012 г.

VIC: Union protest brings Melbourne to a halt

AAP General News (Australia)
VIC: Union protest brings Melbourne to a halt

MELBOURNE, Aug 12 AAP - More than 60,000 unionists protesting against the federal
government's second wave of industrial reforms brought central Melbourne to a halt today in
one of the largest demonstrations seen in the city.

The marchers were led by federal Opposition leader Kim Beazley, ACTU president Jennie
George, Victorian union leader Leigh Hubbard and the presidents and secretaries of most
Victorian-based unions.

To chants of "just say no", demonstrators packed the city centre, where they were addressed
by Mr Beazley, who told them planned changes to federal industrial laws were an attack on
ordinary Australians.

Mr Beazley promised he would "hold the bastards accountable" in federal parliament as the
second wave of the Howard government's industrial laws were introduced.

He repeated his promise to repeal the legislation and to make every attempt to prevent it
being passed.

The latest reforms include compulsory secret ballots on proposed industrial action and
limiting the Australian Industrial Relations Commission's compulsory conciliation powers to
disputes relating to "allowable matters", unfair dismissal cases and demarcation disputes.

Earlier, police on horseback were brought in as rival factions clashed.

A separate arm of the main protest marched off from the organised route, leaving Mr Beazley
and other rally leaders standing embarrassed on a street corner.

Police said they had been powerless to prevent the separate group of marchers from the
Australian Manufacturing Workers Union (AMWU) from blocking the main event.

One officer said: "We have no idea where they are going and we are attempting to control

Police horses were used to break up the AMWU protest so that the main march could resume.

Meanwhile, Victorian Premier Jeff Kennett said unions should be grateful to the state
government for creating an environment of job creation and pursuing a vision for the future.

"We are the patron saint of the trade union movement: this government has provided more
employment opportunity for unionists and non-unionists than ever before," he said.

"Work will dry up, and when it dries up they're not going to be able to blame us - we're
doing everything we can to keep our reputation high, to attract investment ... to keep these
people employed," Mr Kennett said.

AAP ag/mh/kr/br


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