четверг, 1 марта 2012 г.

Fed: Canberrans enjoying cheaper milk: ACT govt

AAP General News (Australia)
Fed: Canberrans enjoying cheaper milk: ACT govt

ACT chief minister GARY HUMPHRIES says Canberrans are enjoying cheaper milk because
of dairy deregulation.

Mr HUMPHRIES says milk in the territory has dropped by up to 23 cents for two litres
since deregulation mid-year.

He says while deregulation has upset dairy producers, consumers should be happy with its outcome.

In the territory, a 2.7 cents a litre levy imposed by the ACT Milk Authority has been
abolished in line with deregulation.

Mr HUMPHRIES says the fall in farm-gate prices enjoyed by farmers has been passed on
by retailers, also pushing down prices.

He says prices will be even cheaper if not for the 11 cents a litre levy imposed by
the government to pay for its $1.7 billion deregulation adjustment package for dairy farmers.

AAP RTV sw/hn


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