понедельник, 12 марта 2012 г.

Your gifts at work

Joon Hyoung Park is a first-year student at AMBS, originally from Korea but more recently from Vancouver, B.C. With financial help from Mennonite Church Canada, AMBS and other sources, he and his family moved to campus last fall, and both Joon and Shim Beack, his wife, are taking seminary classes, while their daughters are studying at nearby Bethany Christian High School.

Gifts from friends across the church are important to keep tuition costs low, especially for students with families, international students and students preparing for service and ministry assignments. Tuition provides 17 percent of the funds AMBS needs each year and AMBS relies on contributions for 41 percent of annual income. Thank you for your gifts which help keep study affordable.

To read Joon's story and the stories of other students at AMBS, please see www.ambs.edu/admissions/why-choose-ambs/student-stories

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