четверг, 1 марта 2012 г.

Vic: Hunt for attacker

Vic: Hunt for attacker

A woman in her 60s is recovering after a vicious weekend attack in which she was bashedwith an iron bar before being abducted and sexually assaulted.

The hour-long ordeal happened early on Saturday morning at Melton on Melbourne's westernoutskirts.

Police have issued an urgent appeal for help to track down the assailant, who's believedto be a man aged in his teens or 20s with fair to red hair.

Detective Acting Sergeant DEAN NORLEY says the woman was hit from behind as she walkedalong Creek Street.

She was dragged into a car and driven to Bridge Road, where she was sexually assaultedand then dumped.

She then made her way to a nearby house, where police were called.

The woman was taken to Sunshine Hospital where she was treated for head injuries andlater released.

The attacker is described as wearing blue jeans and what's believed to be a dark pink top.

He was driving a dark coloured sedan, possibly maroon with a light-coloured interior.

Anyone with information should call CrimeStoppers on 1800 333 000.

AAP RTV clr/rk/rp


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